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Bike Routes in New Jersey

Bike Routes in New Jersey

Bike Routes in New Jersey mobile image Bike Routes in New Jersey narrow image Bike Routes in New Jersey wide image

Bike Routes in New Jersey

Alphonse Estoclet’s bike routes

In 1897 and 1898 the Philadelphia Inquirer published a series of bicycle routes in a column called Trips Awheel. Each route had a map and a narrative describing the trip. Some also had a route coupon, providing information on road conditions and hotels or restaurants along the way. Most of the routes fanned out from Philadelphia to the surrounding area, and about a third went into New Jersey. One series of connected routes went to New York City, another to Pittsburgh.

The maps were hand drawn. The narratives are detailed with information on road conditions, businesses, historical, and cultural sites along the way, and running commentary on what the rider saw as he traveled along the route. As he frequently gives the date of his ride the route provides a snapshot of that particular day.

Contact Us

Please contact Julie Still, Reference Librarian and Collections Development Coordinator at Paul Robeson Library with any questions.

More Information

Learn more about the maps accompanying each route in our collection, with further information about the routes.