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2021 Biological Sciences Honors and Awards

Biological Science


  • Neha Yunus


William B. Foster Award

For outstanding academic performance, participation in research, and involvement in service to Rutgers University or the outside community

  • Athmika Vaseeharan

Betty Falk Yatvin Memorial Award

Senior who has shown particular aptitude in the area of animal biology

  • Klaudia Bunkowski

Marjorie Frew Knox Memorial Award

Douglass College Senior judged to have completed the best honors project in biological sciences.

  • Allison Almeda-Ahmadi

S. Oakley Van der Poel Award

Members of the graduating class who have signified an intention to study medicine (high academic merit)

  • Stephanie Ji
  • Mamta Kalavadia
  • Hamza Khan
  • Siddarth Marwaha
  • Panda Om
  • Carlos Pareja
  • Dominick Scalia
  • Anam Shaikh
  • Nafee Ullah