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Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology


Each year, the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology (CCB) hosts The Undergraduate Research Symposium and Celebration of Undergraduate Achievement event to emphasize and encourage significant research in chemistry by undergraduates at Rutgers University and to celebrate the academic achievements of our undergraduate students. For the second year, CCB’s symposium has moved virtually to address the current environment and ensure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff.

CCB’s Undergraduate Symposium establishes a venue to present and promote our students’ work, while providing a forum for interdisciplinary exchange among students, faculty, and the community. The symposium also provides us the opportunity to recognize and applaud the outstanding academic achievements of our chemistry majors, as well as their dedicated service to both the department and the university.

We thank all of the undergraduates who made the effort to present their work here today, the faculty mentors who have devoted so much of their time and effort mentoring these students, and we especially thank the Rutgers University – New Brunswick Libraries (New Brunswick Student Exhibits – 2021) for making the event possible.

We hope that today’s program leaves you inspired to ask new questions, seek new answers, and celebrate each new discovery.