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RISE 2024 Presenter List

Sahrish Afzal

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Co-Author: Nathaniel Paddock
Mentor: Dr. Rayan Sills, Material Science and Engineering
Insights into colloidal rheology from molecular dynamics simulations

This research explores the rheological behavior of Lennard-Jones fluids containing finite-sized spherical particles. Using molecular dynamics simulations, the stress-strain rate relationship for fluids of various volume fractions was explored. Fluids exhibited non-Newtonian, shear-thickening behavior whereby the viscosity increased with increasing strain rate. The viscosity was found to increase with particle volume fraction. To reveal flow mechanisms underlying the rheological response, histograms of particle and solvent atom velocities were constructed. These histograms revealed broad spread in velocities with a number of characteristics peaks. The number of peaks was found to be sensitive to the strain rate, with higher strain rates yielding an increase in the number of peaks. Furthermore, while the minimum solvent velocity was insensitive to the strain rate, the maximum velocity increased systematically with strain rate. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the rheological properties and interactions within particle-fluid systems.

Biography: Sahrish Afzal is a senior majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Business at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, New Jersey. Originally from Pakistan, she moved to the U.S. in 2015 with her family to pursue higher education. Inspired by her late elder brother and father, she aims to continue their legacies in Computer Science and Business. In her free time, she enjoys painting, hiking, and listening to audiobooks. Sahrish completed a research program and was recognized for her work on April 30, 2024, through the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program at NJIT. She also participated in the 2024 NSF Advanced Materials REU, partnering with the RISE program, where she conducted research on "Insights into Colloidal Rheology from Molecular Dynamics Simulations" under Dr. Ryan Sills' guidance. Post-graduation, Sahrish plans to attend graduate school to further her passion for computation and interdisciplinary studies. She aspires to establish a non-profit organization to support women lacking resources for higher education. 

Keryan Astacio

Mentor: Dr. Siobain Duffy, Ecology, Evolution & Natural Resources
Identifying recombination in CBSD-causing viruses

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) is one of the leading threats to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. It serves as a main source of carbohydrates that can be consumed directly or turned into flour and processed into popular foods like fufu. CBSD is an insidious threat because it mainly affects the cassava roots, with no symptoms on the stem or leaves, making it impossible to detect damage to the crop until harvest. Our goal is to analyze recombination events in CBSD-associated viruses (cassava brown streak virus, CBSV) and (Ugandan cassava brown streak virus, UCBSV) to detect recombination hotspots that could allow us to predict viral evolution and to inform virus resistant breeding efforts. We aligned publicly available genomic sequences from NCBI GenBank, conducted phylogenetic analysis, and detected recombination events with RDP4 software. We detected 31 events in CBSV (all supported P ≤ 1.36x10-20) and 18 recombination events in UCBSV  (P ≤ 1.081x10-41). The breakpoints were concentrated in the 3’ end of the genome, appearing mainly in the Nib, Ham1h and CP proteins. Importantly, one recombination event from each virus was due to recombination with an “unknown parent” that BLAST revealed to be a member of the other species – the first documentation of interspecies recombination between these two CBSD-causing viruses. Research on viral recombination is crucial for the understanding of viral evolution, the development of resistant crops and CBSD management techniques that ensures Africa’s economy and food security.

Biography: Keryan A. Astacio-Berríos is a senior Microbiology student at the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao. Initially uncertain about pursuing graduate studies, her passion for science grew throughout her major and experiences. She now enjoys mentoring and tutoring first-generation, low-income students at her home institution. Keryan discovered an interest in research while assisting a graduate student in Dr. Elvia Meléndez-Ackerman’s lab with their thesis on bee species diversity in Puerto Rico’s main urban spaces. This experience motivated her to seek independent research opportunities, leading to her participation in the 2024 RISE cohort. Her project, "Identifying recombination in CBSD-causing viruses," is her first independent research endeavor and computational research experience. Keryan is now enthusiastic about pursuing graduate education in bioinformatics and computational biology.

Thomas A. Blach

The College of New Jersey
Co-Author: Nedgine Joseph
Mentor: Dr. Ashutosh Goel, Material Science and Engineering
Improving acid digestion methodologies of sulfur-rich samples

The Hanford site, located in the state of Washington, is one of the largest nuclear waste sites in the United States containing 56 million gallons of nuclear waste. Currently, vitrification is being used to contain this radioactive waste within borosilicate glass; however, a yellowish salt phase is forming when exceeding the sulfur solubility limit causing corrosion within the melters walls. To avoid the formation of the gall phase, it is imperative to determine the sulfur content inside the glassy matrix. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) is being used to quantify different chemical elements such as sulfur. Unfortunately, there is an incomplete digestion of the glass which leads to erroneous quantification of sulfur. Different combinations of two independent variables, the volume of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and temperature, have been introduced to increase the reaction rates leading to a more thorough digestion process. After running these samples through ICP-OES the combination of 50˚C and 15mL HCl led to a sulfur signal being detected demonstrating 0.48 weight percent sulfur, which is close to the batched sulfur concentration of 0.50 weight %. This improved acid digestion method could now be used to accurately and consistently quantify the different solubility limits within the complex glass matrix of these borosilicate glasses. 

Biography: Thomas Blach is a rising junior at The College of New Jersey pursuing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. He is a student-athlete as a part of the cross country and track and field teams. This summer, Thomas conducted research in Dr. Ashutosh Goel’s lab under the mentorship of Nedgine Joseph. His research aimed to improve acid digestion methodologies to quantify sulfur within borosilicate glasses.

Kelsie Bouyer

Lafayette College
Co-Author: Dr. Zongliang Chen
Mentor: Dr. Andrea Gallavotti, Waksman Institute, Dept of Plant Biology
Genetic Dissection of Cis-Regulatory Control of Flowering Time in Brachypodium

Zea mays, commonly known as maize, is an important crop for studying gene regulation, specifically regarding cis-regulatory modules (CRMs)–genomic regions that control gene expression–and transposable elements. Understanding the molecular nature of certain traits allows for their modeling, especially when aiming to increase crop production or quality. In maize, a Hopscotch transposon was previously suggested to regulate the expression of TB1, a domestication gene that represses the growth of tillers (bottom branches) and allows for the proper development of maize ears. This gene is vital to understanding how maize was domesticated from its progenitor, teosinte, and can assist the agricultural industry by optimizing maize growth for human usage. While the region containing Hopscotch was implicated in regulating TB1 expression, it is unclear how and whether other CRMs may also play a role in TB1 regulation. Five CRMs were identified by the lab and collaborators as possible regulators for TB1 due to their chromatin accessibility and the presence of transcription factor binding sites. This study used CRISPR-Cas9-modified generated lines that mutate these CRMs. It characterized them via DNA extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction, and Gel Electrophoresis to obtain, amplify, and analyze DNA fragments to identify specific deletion alleles. Each mutant allele was then phenotypically analyzed by examining the average number of tillers resulting from each allele and comparing them to wild-type maize. If tillers are present in CRISPR-Cas9-modified maize, it indicates that a specific CRM regulates TB1. We hypothesize that at least one mutation will result in a higher number of tillers and, therefore, contribute to the regulation of TB1 in wild-type maize. Though the importance of CRMs in genomes has been recognized for years, their causes and effects have not been fully studied; this is especially true in plant species with a large genome like maize.

Biography: Kelsie Bouyer is a rising junior at Lafayette College in Easton, PA. She is pursuing a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Theater. At Lafayette, she is the Vice President of her college's theater club, a General Chemistry TA, and a member of an All-Voices A Cappella group. Through RISE, Kelsie was selected to work with the Waksman Institute of Microbiology to study the regulators of the TB1 gene in maize under Dr. Andrea Gallavotti. After graduation, she hopes to obtain a PhD in Biology.

Henry S. Brandstadter

Emory University
Co-Authors: Jonathan Ash, Melinda Liu
Mentor: Dr. Sagar Khare, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Computational design of alpha-synuclein degradation systems

One relatively new way of treating cancer is through the process of protein degradation. This is a natural process in the body that helps deal with unwanted or no longer useful proteins. Usually, cancer comes in the form of tumors which are large growths of usually a single protein being over produced by a cancer cell. In particular, tumors in the brain caused by the overgrowth of alpha-synuclein proteins can be tricky as they can cause other diseases which can hinder them being identified and properly treated due to their location in neural tissue. As such, we seek to design a larger protein capable of marking potential alpha-synuclein that could aggregate for protein degradation. This protein contains two main parts: an E3 ligase and a PDZ domain. E3 ligases are capable of transferring ubiquitin, a common marker for protein degradation, onto the alpha-synuclein. PDZ domains are capable of binding to small molecules such as alpha-synuclein. The E3 ligase and PDZ domain are attached via an alpha-Helicon binding site. Designs for said protein were achieved using deep learning models such as RFdiffusion, ProteinMPNN, and AlphaFold. After a first run of 800 unique designs, results show that fabricating such proteins is possible. Designs maintain desired fold, create desired linker and bundle, and bind in key areas. Filtering using RMSD and interaction energies in key areas will be done to find the best designs. These first designs show potential for testing further with different conditions and proteins discussed above to seek more capable designs. The use of computational modeling will be able to accelerate much of the fabrication of new alpha-synuclein degrading proteins and additionally can help in other areas related to cancer therapies.

Biography: Henry Brandstadter is a rising junior majoring in Physics at Emory University. His research experience in both chemistry and physics has led to him being accepted into RISE, where he is learning about protein chemistry under Dr. Sagar Khare. Henry is a part of the track and field team at Emory and has hobbies such as mountain biking, learning French, and playing board games. Though currently learning Physics, Henry plans on transitioning to Material Science with intentions in the future to complete a Masters in an Engineering field.

Joe K. Bush

Reed College
Co-Author: Brice Kessler
Mentor: Dr. Mark Lipke, Biology
Investigation of the electronic properties of Cr-based oligomers for the development of functional materials

Metallopolymers effectively integrate the characteristics of synthetic organic polymers: ease of preparation, processability, and durability – with those of metal complexes exhibiting unique electronic and physical properties (e.g., electrochemical, optoelectronic, magnetic). This synergy allows metallopolymers to be promising targets for the development of new multifunctional conductive materials for various electrochemical contexts (e.g., catalysis, sensors). Most electrochemical applications require systems that can support high current densities to facilitate the desired functions. This motivates the need to structurally, chemically, and electronically characterize metallopolymers in order to optimize conductivity and other properties therein. However, the inherent ambiguity and complexity associated with large polymeric systems pose significant challenges in rationally optimizing parts of these systems to achieve specific functional properties. This is further exacerbated by difficulties conducting solution-phase characterization of metallopolymers (i.e., lack of consistent length, poor solubility). To address these limitations, this project aims to synthesize and characterize truncated model systems for Cr-based metallopolymers to better understand the complex electronic structure of analogous, extended systems. Additionally, these models are expected to exhibit interesting functional properties, such as electrochromism and magnetism, making them of interest for future applications (e.g., data storage, electrochromic windows).

Biography: Joe Bush is a rising senior at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, working towards a B.A. in chemistry. At Reed, Joe conducts inorganic catalysis research with the Bowring group and tutors for organic chemistry. He was selected to participate in the 2024 Advanced Materials REU program at Rutgers University, where he worked under the guidance of Dr. Mark Lipke investigating Cr-based oligomers for the development of functional materials. After graduating, Joe plans to pursue a graduate degree in inorganic chemistry or chemical engineering. Outside of lab, Joe spends his free time playing various sports, discussing his favorite media, and playing trending mobile games. 

Latherial R. Calbert

College of Charleston
Co-Author: Monica Reyes
Mentor: Dr. Ioannis Androlaukis, Biomedcial Engineering, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Deep Learning Meets Sleep Medicine: Clustering CPAP Adherence Data for Enhanced OSA Management

This study proposes a novel approach to analyzing continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) adherence data in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). While routinely collected, CPAP adherence data remains an underutilized resource in clinical research. We aim to harness this wealth of information to assess circadian rhythmicity in OSA patients, hypothesizing that such analysis will yield critical insights into the modulation of OSA's adverse effects. Our innovative methodology employs a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) for unsupervised clustering of CPAP adherence patterns. By converting adherence data into image format, we have developed a robust clustering method that accurately groups patients based on adherence and chronotype. This approach demonstrates utility in personalizing treatment and evaluating CPAP-induced improvements in OSA symptoms. This research bridges the gap between circadian biology and clinical sleep medicine, potentially advancing personalized interventions for sleep disorders. By offering tailored strategies based on individual circadian patterns, our work aims to significantly impact patient care and outcomes in OSA management.

Biography: Latherial is studying statistics, data science, and computer science at the College of Charleston. He is a dedicated professional specializing in interpretable machine learning and statistical analysis to enhance accuracy and explainability in industry and research. With a strong focus on identifying causations over correlations, he is committed to producing impactful insights. Latherial emphasizes the importance of solid mathematical and statistical foundations in both developing models and ensuring comprehension.

Monique H. Carver

Navajo Technical University
Co-Author: David Tibbets, Micheal Pinnella, Anirban Basu
Mentor: Dr. Sean Kinney, Earth & Planetary Sciences
Predicting Metal Contamination in the Newark Basin using a Composite Stratigraphic Record

Many of the black shales found in the Newark Basin contain high concentrations of metals including arsenic and uranium, and fractures within these units serve to localize groundwater movement (e.g., Serfes et al., 2010; Serfes et al., 2005; Szabo et al., 1997). Many individuals who live in the Newark Basin rely on well water and are at risk of exposure from certain metals such as arsenic and uranium if their water is sourced from metal-rich intervals and is not properly filtered. In this project, our principal goal is to test whether the inventory of metals recovered from the comprehensive geochemical database produced from the composite stratigraphic record of the Newark Basin is useful in predicting concentrations of those metals in time-equivalent units from the same formation at different positions in the basin at distances on the order of 10s of km. We will do this in three parts: 1) Using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), we will produce quantitative estimates of metal concentrations from several small core samples from an area near Trenton, NJ with a particular focus on arsenic and uranium; 2) Refine our estimates of the concentration of these metals from the time equivalent section of the composite record and test whether this comprehensive chemical stratigraphy has predictive power that extends to larger distances across the basin; 3) Test water from open monitoring wells from this region to see if the prediction from the concentration of metals in bedrock is consistent with what we observe in the local groundwater system. This project gives us the opportunity to test how useful an estimate of the metal content in one section of bedrock is to the prediction of metal concentration in correlative sections at a greater distance.

Biography: Monique Carver is a rising senior at Navajo Technical University in Crownpoint, New Mexico. She is pursuing a B.S. degree in Environmental Science and Natural Resources. She has participated in internships under the Department of Defense (AFRL/ARL), University of Arizona Hydrology Department, and the University of Texas at Austin. These research opportunities have given her extensive knowledge in the fields of biology, hydrology, geology, communications, and environmental science. Monique was selected to participate in the 2024 RISE/REU summer program at Rutgers University where she worked with Dr. Sean Kinney to investigate the geologic metal contamination within the Newark Basin. Using her experience in environmental science and natural resources, she plans to further her academic career by pursuing a graduate degree in the STEM field. 

Joshua De Guzman

Rowan University
Co-Author: Andrew Gosselin 
Mentor: Dr. Valerie Tutwiler, Biomedical Engineering
Assessing the Impact of Blood Plasma Components on Clot Mechanical Properties 

Severe traumatic injury alters the composition of blood and disrupts the body’s natural clotting process, making it difficult to form stable clots. This is due to both blood loss following a traumatic injury and the release of proteins and enzymes into the bloodstream when tissue is ruptured. Blood clots must be mechanically stable to resist forces from blood flow and prevent continued bleeding. Therefore, impaired blood clotting can lead to excessive and fatal bleeding. There is limited data on how changes in blood protein composition affect the structural stability of blood clots. The concentrations of tissue factor and fibrinogen, key proteins in clot formation, are altered due to blood dysregulation following trauma. To simulate these conditions, the concentrations of fibrinogen and tissue factor were varied in human pooled blood plasma samples. The clots were formed in 3D-printed disks and tested with a biomomentum mechanical tester, which applied perpendicular force and recorded the burst force needed to break each clot. Confocal microscopy was used to assess the fibrin network structure of each clot and compare it to the respective burst force. The hypothesis was that lower tissue factor activation and fibrinogen levels would decrease fibrin fiber density and the force required for clot bursting. Analysis showed that decreasing tissue factor or fibrinogen concentrations reduced fibrin fiber density and burst pressure. The collected data indicate a direct relationship between fibrin fiber density driven by plasma component changes, and burst pressure (p<0.05). This measurement of a plasma clot's burst resistance will enhance understanding of rebleeding after severe trauma. Future research will explore additional blood components and their impact on clot formation to develop targeted therapies that improve clot stability and patient outcomes.

Biography: Joshua de Guzman is a Biomedical Engineering undergraduate with a minor in Chemistry at Rowan University, currently pursuing a career in regenerative medicine. At Rowan, Josh invests his time into conducting research with novel biomaterials and developing community building projects. Passionate about continuous learning, Joshua values applying his knowledge to make a positive impact on others' lives. During his time in the NSF Cellular Bioengineering REU, Josh worked under Dr. Valerie Tutwiler with his mentor Andrew Gosselin to study the effects of blood dysregulation on blood clot stability. 

Kristen Fulford

Commonwealth University of PA - Mansfield
Co-Author: Neha Changela
Mentors: Dr. Kim McKim, Waksman Institute of Microbiology: Department of Genetics
Screening for genes involved in meiosis and fertility in the Drosophila ovary

Infertility is on the rise, and one in six women have infertility problems. The single largest cause of infertility in women is a defect in meiosis. Meiosis is unique as it is a two-round cellular divisional process that is specific for the formation of sperm and oocytes. A key step in meiosis is the separation of sister chromatids, with the failure of proper chromosome segregation resulting in infertility or genetic disorders. Understanding how and what is involved in this reproductive system will help researchers understand the causes of infertility in humans and develop potential therapies. To identify the proteins required for infertility in Drosophila, we employed the Gal4/UAS system to assess RNAi knockdowns of selected genes. Genes were targeted for knockdown based on meiotic expression in the ovary (~1200) or having an interesting human homolog with known mutations in infertility patients.  We are using two promoters, nanos and matα, to induce RNAi at different stages of germ cell development. The nanos promoter is active in the premeiotic and early meiotic prophase stages, while the matα promoter is active during meiotic prophase. Female flies with a gene depleted by RNAi were crossed with males carrying a Y chromosome-linked dominant Bar eyes mutation to assess fertility and nondisjunction rates, i.e. the incorrect separation of chromosomes. Nondisjunction was determined by the number of Bar-eyed females (XXY) and wild-type eyed males (XO). Through this screening pipeline, we identified 17 genes associated with high rates of nondisjunction, low fertility, and/or sterility. Future research will focus on identifying the function of these genes through detailed cytological analyses of the ovary. Identifying the tools involved in meiosis will help researchers discover the significance of each gene and understand their role in meiosis and fertility. 

Biography: Kristen Fulford is a rising senior at Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania – Mansfield, majoring in Biology with a concentration in cell and molecular biology. At Mansfield, under the guidance of Dr. Long, she researches how the gut microbiome affects tumor growth and spread. Kristen is a student athlete and dedicated scholar, having made the dean’s list every semester. In addition to being a student athlete, she has gained funding from both the PA and NJ Space Grant Consortiums for her research. This summer, she worked with Dr. Kim McKim in the Waksman Institute, where she screened for meiotic genes in Drosophila. She aspires to pursue a Ph.D. in a biological science that incorporates tissue culturing, molecular, or developmental biology.

Michael C. Gallo

The College of New Jersey
Co-Author: Ashish Parihar
Mentors: Dr. Alan Goldman, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Synthesis of (Pybox)Osmium Complexes for C-H Activation and Related Reactions

With a drastic shortage of fuel stocks around the world, the need to find alternative ways to create long hydrocarbon chains is dire. Standard synthesis of hydrocarbon chains for rubber and fuel utilizes environmentally hazardous techniques. Employing organometallic catalysis through the use of Osmium-centered pincer complexes could effectively create a greener or more cost effective alternative to this standard practice. Synthesizing these metal complexes requires the use of air and moisture free environments, as the main pincer ligand, specifically called “pybox,” for these complexes is air and water sensitive. A glovebox was utilized along with various cannulation techniques to synthesize Pybox Osmium hydride complexes capable of carbon-carbon coupling reactions. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used throughout all reactions to track the progress of the metalation studies. Due to the electron dense metal center, the peaks of hydrides were shifted more downfield once the bond has been made. Preliminary data has shown that these osmium centered catalysts are capable of carbon-carbon coupling reactions more effectively than previous experiments with iridium-centered catalysts. Novel osmium complexes still need further research to fully understand the implications of differing electron densities. Further development of these complexes in higher yield could potentially bring about a new synthetic pathway to create rubber and fuels, alleviating the stress of these drastic shortages.

Biography: Michael Gallo is a rising senior chemistry major at The College of New Jersey. Interested in environmental protection and public safety, they plan on pursuing a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry to hopefully one day work for the Environmental Protection Agency conducting organometallic research. Currently they are a part of two research groups at The College of New Jersey working in Dr. Stephanie Sen’s bioorganic lab and Dr. Carolina Borges’ social epidemiology lab acting as the lab coordinator. They are also a member of the National Honors Society of Chemistry, Gamma Sigma Epsilon, acting as the organization’s secretary. Working in the Goldman lab at Rutgers University performing organometallic research has been nothing short of exhilarating, and Michael deeply thanks Alan Goldman and all of his graduate students for creating such a supportive environment. 

Albert Garcia

Caldwell University
Co-Author: Colin Morgan
Mentors: Dr. Suzie Chen, Chemical Biology
Glutamatergic Signaling In Acral and Mucosal Melanoma

Melanoma is the most deadly type of skin cancer, accounting for only 1% of cases each year but over 90% of skin cancer-related deaths. Acral and Mucosal melanoma are rare and highly aggressive forms of melanoma and pose significant diagnostic challenges due to their infrequency and limited understanding. Previous research by Chen Lab in cutaneous melanoma has demonstrated that the ectopic expression of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1), in melanocytes leads to cell transformation in vitro and tumor formation in vivo. As well as the activation of MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways. Multiple patient-derived cell lines for both acral and mucosal have been tested and mGluR1 expression was present. Our lab investigated whether mGluR1 activity in acral and mucosal melanoma is similar to previous results obtained in cutaneous melanoma. We took advantage of two known, and previously used, glutamatergic signaling inhibitors: Riluzole and Bay 36-7620 in a commonly used cell viability assay, MTT. Our preliminary results showed that both inhibitors reduced cell survival and growth in acral and mucosal melanoma cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. We then proceed to assess if the mGluR1 receptors are functioning in these acral and mucosal melanoma cells. We exposed the acral or mucosal melanoma cells to mGluR1 specific agonist, quisqualate, using one of the components of MAPK, phosphorylated forms of ERK as readouts for receptor activation. We also preincubate the cells with Bay 36-7620 followed by activation with quisqualate, again, using the phosphorylated ERK as readouts. We detected pERK when the cells were treated with quisqualate and reduced pERK in samples preincubated with Bay-36-7620. These results highlight the modulatory effects of mGluR1 inhibitors on MAPK signaling components. These findings underscore the potential importance of mGluR1 and glutamatergic signaling in the pathogenesis of acral and mucosal melanomas, suggesting avenues for novel therapeutic strategies targeting mGluR1 in treating these challenging cancers.

Biography: Albert Garcia is currently a rising senior at Caldwell University, majoring in Biology. This summer, he dedicated his time to research in the Chen lab, focusing on Glutamatergic Signaling in Acral and Mucosal Melanoma. Albert is passionate about understanding complex biological mechanisms and their implications in medical contexts. Inspired by his research experiences, he aspires to pursue graduate studies and ultimately become a physician. Albert's academic journey at RISE this simmer reflects his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and contributing to healthcare innovation.

Ian M. García Quiñones

University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Co-Authors: Jonathan Ash, Melinda Liu
Mentor: Dr. Sagar Khare, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Development of a molecular glue to recruit E3 ligases for the degradation of Alpha-Synuclein

Alpha-synuclein is a protein that regulates synaptic activity; however, missense mutations in this protein can cause it to aggregate in neurons and cause synaptic disfunction which can lead to Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s. Alpha-synuclein regulation can lead to treatments for these neurological diseases; therefore, we aim to utilize the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway to degrade alpha-synuclein. E3 ligases are proteins that our bodies use to tag other proteins to be degraded by the proteosome, these ligases have been targets for drug design. To the best of our knowledge there is no methodology to recruit E3 ligases to degrade alpha-synuclein. This type of approach can be revolutionary for alpha-synuclein regulation because many current approaches utilize antibodies, which can be conformation-specific and too large to enter cells. We hypothesize that utilizing computational protein design models we can integrate a helicon that binds an E3 ligase to a protein domain that binds to alpha-synuclein in order to induce protein degradation. The methods include ProteinMPNN to generate sequences for our designed backbone and AlphaFold to predict and verify the sequences designed by ProteinMPNN. Produced designs were scored based on computational estimates of the interaction energies between them and the E3 ligase, as well as the alpha-synuclein, and the program’s confidence on the predicted designs. A total of 6 out of 14,000 designs obtained passing scores. However, the binding between these designs and the ligase was not optimal. More work needs to be done to optimize the passing samples before they can be ready for testing in the laboratory. This new approach can advance the development of new treatments for synucleinopathies and even be applied to a wide range of diseases with minimal modifications. 

Biography: Ian M. García Quiñones is a rising junior from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras campus, completing his B.S. in Biology. His current research at Rutgers University is comprised of protein design based on a computational approach to develop a protein to recruit E3 ligases to degrade Alpha-synuclein. He is interested in molecular biology research with biomedical applications; and plans on pursuing a PhD in cancer biology to continue his studies. 

Ashley P. Gilbert

Michigan State University
Co-Author: Dr. Xia Wen
Mentor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes, Toxicology
Liver Toxicity of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Drugs in Mice with a Humanized Immune System

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), including ipilimumab (Yervoy®) and nivolumab (Opdivo®), work by blocking specific immune checkpoint proteins, which are often hijacked by tumor cells to evade immune surveillance. Inhibiting the checkpoint activates lymphocytes to destroy tumors, but results in immune-related adverse events (irAEs) in healthy tissues. To study irAEs in the kidneys and liver, newborn BRGS mice were injected with human stem cells to develop a humanized immune system (HIS) and subsequently implanted with triple negative breast cancer cells. Non-humanized (BRGS) and humanized (HIS-BRGS) mice were treated by vehicle or a combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab (10 mg/kg, weekly, ip) for four weeks. Tumor weights were measured, and kidneys and livers were isolated to determine the concentrations of irAE biomarkers, B Cell Activating Factor (BAFF) and granzyme A, using sandwich-based ELISAs. Compared to non-treated mice, the tumor weight was 50% of decrease in humanized HIS-BRGS mice treated with ipilimumab/nivolumab. Humanizing the immune system significantly increased BAFF and granzyme A protein concentration in the kidneys, but not in the livers. ICI treatment significantly increased granzyme A and BAFF concentrations in the kidneys by 400% and 50%, respectively, while there was no significant effect on concentrations in the liver. These data suggest that lymphocyte proteins are differentially regulated in the liver and kidney toxicity associated with ICIs. As a result, pharmacological targeting of BAFF and granzyme A using inhibitors may reduce the nephrotoxicity, but not the hepatotoxicity, associated with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Supported by R25ES020721, R01CA277313, and Society of Toxicology Intern Program.

Biography: Ashley Gilbert is a chemistry undergraduate student with a pharmacology and toxicology focus. She aims to contribute to the discovery of a way to conduct cancer research without the use of animals while studying treatment and prevention drugs. A major influence in her motivation for pursuing cancer research was her late grandmother, a 3-time cancer survivor.

Yaneli Guerra Hernandez

Duke University
Co-Author: Jun Hong
Mentor: Dr. Srujana Samhita Yadavalli, Waksman Institute of Microbiology 
Role of QueE enzyme in metal stress response and growth phenotypes in E. coli

Queuosine, a hypermodified guanosine derivative, plays a crucial role in translation fidelity and cellular defense against oxidative stress in both bacteria and eukaryotes. Altered levels of Queuosine34 (Q34) have been shown to lead to protein homeostasis defects and pleiotropic phenotypes. QueE is one of the key enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of queuosine. This study explores the impact of queE gene deletion on E. coli's growth phenotype and stress response under various metal ion conditions. The primary objective is to characterize the metal stress response in queE deletion (ΔqueE) strains compared to the wild type. Growth rates and phenotypes were assessed through a plate reader assay to monitor growth in 96-well microplates and a spot assay involving serial dilutions onto plates containing the respective metals; optical density and colony-forming units were measured, respectively. Results indicate that ΔqueE strains exhibit distinct growth advantages under metal stress, suggesting that QueE significantly influences metal ion homeostasis and stress response. These findings imply that ΔqueE strains may handle metal stress better, providing insights that could reveal new targets or strategies for combating antibiotic resistance by targeting the compensatory pathways in the absence of QueE. Further research is warranted to delineate the specific molecular pathways and regulatory networks involved in QueE's function.

Biography: Yaneli Guerra is a rising senior at Duke University, pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Biological Sciences with a minor in Chemistry, as well as a concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology. Her education at Duke University is fully funded under the prestigious National Gates, Questbridge, and Hispanic Scholarship Foundation. At her home institution, Yaneli has had the opportunity to conduct research in the Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Department under the Scaglione Lab, researching mediation of protein aggregation in the Dictyostelium discoideum model. Additionally, she has research experience in the Genomics and Cell Biology Department under the Diao Lab, researching tissue regeneration through upregulation of TREM2. After completing her Bachelor’s degree, Yaneli plans to pursue a PhD that is interdisciplinary in the fields of virology, immunology, and/or microbiology.

Rachel Gushikem

Montclair State University
Mentor: Dr. Spencer Knapp, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Enhancing Tamoxifen's Drug-Like Properties Through the Incorporation of Isosorbide Units

Tamoxifen is a widely used anticancer drug that has been used to treat hormone-receptor-positive early, locally advanced, and metastatic breast cancers.  Tamoxifen acts as a selective estrogen receptor modulator, hindering the cancer cells’ ability to use estrogen to grow.  While it is a commonly prescribed drug for cancer treatment it has shown to have several issues.  Complications such as acquired resistance and off-target activities which result in side effects such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and the development of uterine and endometrial cancer are often seen with Tamoxifen due to its need for improved drug-likeness.  Our research is focused on improving tamoxifen's drug-likeness by introducing isosorbide units to its structure.  We hypothesize that incorporating isosorbide units into tamoxifen can improve the ongoing side effects caused by the drug’s poor solubility, tackle its growing resistance, and decrease the potential for reoccurrence.  Isosorbide is readily available and cost-effective.  It is non-toxic, highly water-soluble (29 mg/ml), and resistant to first-pass metabolism as a scaffold or byproduct, showcasing its potential value in the pharmaceutical industry.  Our lab is interested in leveraging these characteristics to improve the physiochemical properties of tamoxifen.  This research aimed to improve and explore the synthetic approach used to synthesize isosorbide units that would be incorporated into tamoxifen.  An effective pathway to produce isosorbide units would allow for more isosorbide unit derivatives of tamoxifen to be further researched.  

Biography: Rachel Gushikem is a rising senior at Montclair State University where she is majoring in Chemistry. Rachel is involved in on-campus research at her home university focused on the preparation of antimalarial compounds.  In addition to her academic pursuits, Rachel is an active participant in the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program, where she serves as a scholar, peer mentor, and ambassador.  Rachel was selected to participate in the RISE program, where she is conducting research under the guidance of Dr. Spencer Knapp in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Her research project aims to improve the synthetic approach to creating isosorbide units, which are intended to enhance the drug-like properties of tamoxifen.  Rachel is passionate about continuing her education and plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry.

Kelly Herrera Villavicencio

Rutgers University
Co-Author: Dr. Shams Shams
Mentor: Dr. Matthew McBride, Chemical Biology
Determining the Effect of Ag270 on Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Lines

40% of patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) experience recurrence in addition to the disease’s aggressive nature. This study aims to explore targeted cancer therapy by inhibiting the methionine cycle, a process common to all cells but utilized more heavily by cancer cells due to their rapid proliferative nature. Through the enzyme Methionine-adenosyltransferase-2A (MAT2A), methionine is converted to S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), a critical substrate for establishing epigenetic methylation. We will be evaluating the effects of the drug AG-270, a small molecule inhibitor of the MAT2A enzyme, in TNBC cell lines. Inhibiting MAT2A depletes cellular SAM levels, which we hypothesize will disrupt the metastatic capabilities of these cells in a manner previously unexplored in breast cancer models. Our methods will evaluate this using multiple in vitro assays. First, for the scratch assay, a confluent monolayer of the cultured TNBC cell lines will be scraped to create a "scratch." The cells will be divided into two groups: one untreated and the other treated with AG-270 at IC50 concentration. Images will be captured at 0, 24, and 48 hours post-scratch, and the scratch width will be measured at seven points to quantify cell migration. Second, for the colony formation assay, TNBC cells will be seeded and allowed to adhere overnight. They will be divided into the control and treatment group. Cells will be incubated for 10-14 days. Colonies will be fixed, stained, and counted manually to assess the effect of AG-270 on colony formation. Preliminary data indicates that MAT2A inhibition decreases cell migration and colony formation, suggesting a disruption in the metastatic capability of these cells. If AG-270 proves effective, it represents a novel therapeutic strategy that targets the metabolism of TNBC.

Biography: Kelly Herrera Villavicencio is a rising junior at Rutgers University-Newark (RU-N), NJ, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry with a minor in the Honors College. She has consistently earned a place on the Dean’s List every semester since her enrollment. From her first year, Kelly has been actively involved in research, working under Dr. Zhang on DNA nanotechnology. She holds membership in the program Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation and serves as the president of the RU-N chapter. In the summer of 2024, Kelly was selected as a RISE research fellow at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. During this fellowship, she gained valuable experience in cancer biology by working at the Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research under the mentorship of Dr. Shams Shams and Dr. McBride. Kelly's ultimate goal is to pursue an MD-PhD in Chemical Biology, aiming to bridge the gap between scientific research and the medical field. Kelly would like to thank her mentors and the RISE program for providing an opportunity that has significantly expanded her knowledge and passion for science.

David S. Hoyt

Drew University
Co-Author: Zachary Finkel
Mentor: Dr. Li Cai, Biomedical Engineering
Impact of Gsx1 Gene Therapy on Microglia after Acute Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is defined by damage to neural circuitry that impairs signals from traveling from the central nervous system to the rest of the body. Previous studies have shown immediate AAV6-Gsx1 gene therapy in neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) promotes neurogenesis, excitatory neuron formation, and improves functional recovery following SCI. Interestingly, these benefits to locomotion begin at 7 days-post-injury (dpi) and persist to 56 dpi. However, the generation of new neurons is not possible within 7 dpi and thus secondary therapeutic effects must be present to drive these early benefits. Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) revealed that AAV6-Gsx1 therapy infects not only NSPCs, but also microglia. We hypothesize that microglia engineered Gsx1 activation and promote functional recovery in the acute SCI stage. To investigate this, scRNA-seq was conducted and a supervised clustering analysis was performed on the microglia population to identify 6 distinct populations: interferon producing, migratory, proliferating, lipid processing, inflammatory, and homeostatic. The Gsx1 therapy increased interferon producing and decreased proliferating microglia after acute SCI. Future work will validate these changes using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) before investigation into the mechanism of microglia mediated-functional recovery after acute SCI.

Biography: David Hoyt is a senior at Drew University in New Jersey studying Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with minors in Public Health and Anthropology. At Drew, David has conducted immunology and molecular biology research while also serving as a captain on the Men’s Soccer team for two years. He is also an Action Scholar and Baldwin Honors Scholar and has spent time volunteering outside of Drew for the non-profit organization Fair for Emerging Researchers. Upon completing his bachelor’s degree, David plans on pursuing an MD/PhD to pursue a career bridging the gap between research and medicine.

Judy Jiang

Hunter College
Co-Authors: Arshveer Lasher, Faith Verderose
Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Stavropoulos, Wakmsan Institute of Microbiology
Examining the neuroanatomical effects of Insomniac C-terminal mutants

As Drosophila melanogaster shares a significant number of genes with humans, studying Drosophila can provide insights into sleep regulation, a process that is not well understood. In Drosophila, the insomniac (inc) gene encodes a putative adaptor protein for the Cullin-3 ubiquitin ligase complex. A nonfunctional Inc protein results in fragmented sleep and excess neurons in the mushroom body, a brain region important for sleep. This study intends to determine whether C-terminal Inc mutants can successfully rescue the mushroom body defects caused by a null inc mutation. A prior rescue experiment indicated that transgenic expression of full-length Inc protein rescued sleep in inc mutants to wild-type levels; however, Inc mutants could not rescue sleep. To evaluate if C-terminal Inc mutants could rescue the mushroom body defects of inc mutants, a fly cross was conducted between inc mutants and C-terminal mutants via the GAL4/UAS system. From the resulting progeny, the brains of adult male Drosophila were dissected and visualized through immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Our results suggest that transgenic expression of full-length Inc protein results in a normal mushroom body, but further experimentation is needed to confirm this result. The effects of C-terminal Inc mutants on mushroom body anatomy require further investigation. Studying the function of Inc in Drosophila may ultimately provide insight into how genes shape the development and function of brain circuits that regulate sleep. 

Biography: Judy Jiang is a rising senior at CUNY Hunter College in New York, majoring in Biochemistry. Her research experiences at the NYS Institute for Basic Research and Weill Cornell Medicine sparked her interest in improving detection methods for pediatric disorders and diseases. In the summer of 2024, Judy was selected to participate in the RISE program at Rutgers, where she worked under the mentorship of Dr. Nicholas Stavropoulos to explore how certain genes influence brain circuits that regulate sleep in Drosophila. Although this was a new research area for Judy, her diverse research experiences have continued to solidify her aspiration to pursue a research career and earn a Ph.D.

Hwa-Jin Kwak

University of Hawaii at Manoa
Co-Author: Dr. Jay Shah
Mentor: Dr. Mark Pierce, Biomedical Engineering
Short-Wave Infrared Emitting Rare Earth Doped Nanoparticles for Metastasis Surveillance

Cancer metastasis is responsible for 90% of cancer deaths, making it the leading cause of death in cancer patients. Metastatic cancer is usually not found in its early stages due to the lack of reliable imaging methods available, as these tumors may be too small to be caught by the radiologist. Therefore, a highly sensitive imaging solution is needed to detect small tumors. It has been discovered that rare earth doped nanoparticles emit light at short-wave infrared (SWIR) optical wavelengths, beneficial for use as imaging contrast agents. Previous studies have shown that albumin can be used to encapsulate rare-earth doped nanoparticles, making them biocompatible when used in vivo. Ligands of tumor-targeting biomarkers can be attached to the albumin surface to increase imaging specificity. A microfluidic process was developed to improve throughput and efficiency in nanoparticle synthesis. The microfluidic chip allows for uniformity and consistency to allow a controlled environment for synthesis. Although parameters, including flow rates and microfluidic chip design, have already been established, several chemical parameters that are known to influence nanoparticle encapsulation have yet to be explored. This project tests five parameters using a Design of Experiments method to identify the pH, albumin concentration, solvent ratio, NaCl concentration, and rare earth element concentration to optimize nanoparticle size (targeted 100 nm diameter) and brightness (maximum brightness) in microfluidic synthesis. HSA concentration was determined to be a significant factor that affects the yield, and NaCl concentration and solvent ratio has been determined to affect size and brightness. Using these results, this study has helped bring out a new approach to nanoparticle synthesis to optimize parameters for future studies.      

Biography: Hwa-Jin Kwak is a rising senior at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, majoring in Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Pre-Health. She has served on the board for Mortar Board, Pi Tau Sigma, and Keebs at UHM on top of working at a pediatric specialty clinic as a medical assistant. Her hobbies include arts and crafts, going on walks, and spending time with her friends and family. Her research interests are in medical technology in relation to cancer and cancer therapeutics, and she plans to pursue a PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Hwa-Jin would like to thank RISE and the cellular bioengineering REU for their support, as well as Dr. Mark Pierce and Dr. Jay Shah for all their teachings.

Hiba Laghzizal

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Mentor: Dr. Fuat E Celil, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Techno-economic analysis of power generation cycles for waste plastic valorization via integrated gasification-combined cycle compared to fossil fuels

As the consumption of plastic continues to rise globally, conventional disposal methods are proving environmentally harmful. Therefore, integrated gasification combined cycle has become a topic of significant interest in the energy sector as it offers a promising approach to converting plastic waste into usable energy, providing an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. In present work, the efficiency and economics of power generation of waste plastic gasification are evaluated and compared to electric power generation from coal and natural gas. An Aspen Plus process simulation was developed to replicate the performance of a GE.7HA gas turbine operating in a combined cycle (GTCC) and a steam injection gas turbine (STIG). The model was used to calculate the electric power generation efficiencies in both GTCC and STIG operating modes. Using a constant heat input of 901 MWth of either natural gas or syngas derived from the gasification of plastic or coal, the combined cycle achieved efficiencies of approximately 60%, with a total power generation of around 540 MWe. However, when considering a constant mass input of 5,000 dry tonnes per day of solid fuel, the larger heating value of waste plastic compared to Illinois no. 6 coal resulted in power generation of 979 MWe for plastic and 666 MWefor coal. The electric power production efficiency did not vary with scale in the model and remained at approximately 60%. The STIG model achieved efficiencies approximately 6% lower than the combined cycle. While STIG turbines operate with lower overall thermodynamic efficiency compared to GTCC configurations, the lower capital expenditure by omitting the expensive steam turbine unit lowers the installed cost of the plant and can prove attractive for smaller-scale operations such as waste plastic facilities. Overall, this study highlights the competitive performance of waste plastic gasification and provides insights into the efficiencies of different power generation technologies.

Biography: Hiba Laghzizal is a motivated Chemical Engineering senior at California State Polytechnic University Pomona, California. Originally from Morocco, she moved to the United States to pursue higher education. In her free time, she enjoys painting and reading at the beach. Hiba was selected to participate in the 2024 NSF funded Advanced Materials REU, in partnership with the RISE program. She worked under the supervision of Dr. Fuat E Celik, focusing on power generation cycles of plastic waste compared to traditional natural gas and coal. With a special interest in the energy field, Hiba plans to attend graduate school to further her knowledge and contribute to advancements in energy technology and sustainability.

Emily A. Li

Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Co-Authors: Robert Green Warren, Isha Shah, Jonathan P. Singer
Mentors: Dr. Jonathan P. Singer, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Controlling Porosity of Electrosprayed Polyimide Films Through Co-solvent Blending

Polyimide (PI) has been identified as a potential material for lithium-ion battery (LIB) separators due to its hydrophilic behavior, thermal stability, and mechanical strength. PI is applied using electrospray deposition (ESD), which uses high-voltage electric fields to atomize charged droplets from a liquid solution onto a substrate, forming a uniform thin film or coating as the solvent evaporates. However, limited control over pore size, porosity, and morphology of PI-coated separators weakens its competitiveness in charge/discharge capacity and cycle life performance, which are key metrics for LIBs. This study examines the characteristics of 1% PI blended with 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) and chloroform in a 2:1 ratio, sprayed at four different flow rates (0.3, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 mL/hour) to evaluate the relationship between flow rate and porosity. The PI coatings are deposited directly onto silicon wafers via self-limiting electrospray deposition (SLED). To evaluate porosity, thickness, and morphology of the co-solvent blended sprayed PI films, we utilized scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy, and spectroscopic microreflectometry. Porosity measurements for samples sprayed at 0.3 to 1 mL/hour show a nearly 30% decrease in porosity between the lowest and highest flow rates. Additionally, a qualitative assessment of the resulting film morphologies is captured using SEM. Finer control of porosity will allow for more efficient ion transport between the anode and cathode, enhancing the battery’s charge and discharge rates. Further research can explore different co-solvent blends sprayed at lower flow rates to identify additional patterns in porosity.

Biography: Emily "Annie" Li is a rising sophomore undergraduate student at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, pursuing a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. She is also a part of the Engineering Honors Academy at Rutgers University. Emily was selected to participate in the 2024 NSF Advanced Materials REU, in partnership with the RISE program. This summer she is working at the Hybrid Micro/Nanomanufacturing Laboratory (HMNL) at Rutgers Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, led by Professor Jonathan P. Singer. Her research involves studying the applications of electrospray deposition, a highly sophisticated additive manufacturing technique that is the primary focus of the HMNL lab.

Andrea Lopez-Rodriguez

Co-Author: Jessica R. Rodriguez 
Mentor: Dr. Debra Laskin , Toxicology
The role of the integrated stress response in alveolar epithelial injury following acute ozone exposure in mice.

Tropospheric ozone (O3) levels have been rising recently due to increasing temperatures. This principal pollutant directly impacts air quality and leads to adverse human health effects. O3 is known to disrupt the alveolar epithelial barrier and initiate inflammatory responses in the lung. O3 exposure also leads to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause amino acid deficiencies that can be detrimental to cell survival. It is important to understand the biochemical pathways that lead to these effects for new therapeutic targets to be identified. One pathway of interest is the integrated stress response (ISR). This protective pathway is present in eukaryotic cells and becomes active in response to various cellular stressors. A key component of the ISR is the general control nonderepriseble 2 (GCN2); this kinase is a well-known stress sensor that binds to uncharged tRNAs and phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2a). This activates the ISR, promoting the initiation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) through differential gene transcription and downregulation of protein translation. Our goal is to assess the role of the ISR in alveolar epithelial cell damage caused by inhaled O3. Wild-type (WT) mice and mice lacking GCN2 (GCN2KO) were exposed to air or O3 (800 ppb) for 3 hr. Lungs were processed for histological sectioning and protein isolation for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and western blotting, respectively to assess expression of cleaved caspase-3(cl. cas 3), a key enzyme in apoptosis. Our preliminary data from IHC shows an increased expression of cl. cas 3 over the terminal bronchi and alveoli following O3 exposure in WT mice; loss of GCN2 reduced this response. This suggests a link between the ISR and alveolar epithelial apoptosis after O3 exposure; these findings may lead to the identification of new pathways to target for treatment of oxidant air pollution-induced lung injury.  Supported by NIH grants ES04738 and ES005022.

Biography: Andrea recently obtained her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Toxicology from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla. Her aspirations to pursue graduate studies motivated her to apply to the RISE/SURF program at Rutgers University, where she had the pleasure of working in Dr. Laskin’s lab on ozone exposure. Her future ambitions are to become an environmental toxicologist, working for either a federal regulatory agency or in the industry. Andrea enjoys cooking, listening to true crime podcasts, and spending time with her family and pets: Pulga, Luna, and Tina.

Andres D. Luengo Martinez

University of Texas at Austin
Co-Author: Chidera Ntiwunka-Ifeanyi
Mentors: Dr. David Shreiber, Dr. Valerie Tutwiler, Biomedical Engineering
Modeling Acupuncture In Vitro: The Impact of Collagen Concentration on Torque

Effective pain treatment continues to be an ongoing issue in modern medicine, as reliance on opioids and other pain-relieving pharmaceuticals have contributed to drug crises in the United States. As such, there is a clear need for alternative treatments of pain that avoid the use of potentially harmful or addictive substances. Acupuncture is a traditional Eastern technique that involves the insertion and rotation of fine needles at specific points of the body. Although it has been clinically proven to relieve pain, many patients are still reluctant to undergo the treatment, primarily due to currently poor scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying pain relief from acupuncture needling. Current research has demonstrated that, during rotation, the fine needles grasp and wind the loose connective tissue underneath the skin, with collagen making up a large part of the tissue composition.  We hypothesize that this grasping leads to the pain-relieving effects, with the local fibers having  a graded response to the mechanical stress from the needle that ultimately impacts cells attached to the fibers. To study this effect, we have constructed an in vitro model using collagen gels with varying collagen concentration to mimic the natural loose connective tissue.   As a first step to characterize acupuncture in vitro, we measured torque without cells first to isolate the effects of needling on the loose connective tissue. Torque was measured using fine needles inserted and rotated   in the collagen gels using a rheometer. We found that increasing collagen concentration increases the maximum torque measured in the gels, signifying an increase in the stiffness of the gel. In the future, we will introduce cells into the gels to measure the physiological changes of needling. The long-term goal of this research is to understand the underlying mechanisms of acupuncture, potentially alleviating the negative stigma associated with the therapy.

Biography: Andres Luengo Martinez is a rising senior at the University of Texas at Austin. He is originally from Houston, Texas, and is a Biomedical Engineering major. Andres is involved with the Biomedical Outreach and Leadership Team at his university as the Social and Cockrell Relations Chair and works as a learning assistant and peer tutor for a biomedical engineering course. He was selected to participate in the 2024 NSF Cellular Bioengineering REU in partnership with the RISE program. He worked under Dr. David Shreiber and Dr. Valerie Tutwiler, characterizing the effects of collagen concentration on in vitro acupuncture models. Andres plans to pursue graduate school to study tissue engineering.

Cameron C. McGovern

The College of New Jersey
Co-Author: Yuchen Ma
Mentor: Dr. Yuwei Gu, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Utilizing Synthetic Motors to Alter DNA Conformation for Advancements in Therapeutic Delivery

Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) are chemically modified, single-stranded DNA complementary to pre-mRNA and mRNA regions, thereby inhibiting gene expression by hybridizing to these target regions. However, the effective delivery of ASOs poses a significant challenge due to their size and susceptibility to nuclease-induced degradation. We explore the potential use of molecular motors to enhance DNA resistance against nuclease degradation by inducing structural distortion of DNA molecules. Molecular motors are synthetic molecular machines capable of continuous directional rotation, which we expect to utilize to apply force and induce conformational changes when linked to biomolecules. To integrate these approaches, we synthesize a linker molecule based on the molecular motor to crosslink a single-stranded DNA via strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition. Upon activation with ultraviolet light, the motor distorts DNA, compacting its structure. This distortion restricts nuclease access to flexible DNA regions, enhancing resistance to degradation for optimized delivery of DNA. The light-triggered structural changes of DNA are characterized using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gel electrophoresis. Furthermore, we use hybridization studies to examine how the distortion affects duplex formation with complementary DNA strands. By leveraging molecular motors to alter DNA conformation, ASOs achieve more efficient delivery, making them smaller and easier to enter the cell for therapeutic purposes.

Biography: I am a rising senior at The College of New Jersey pursuing a bachelor's degree in chemistry with a specialization in biochemistry. There, my current research in a biophysical chemistry lab, under the guidance of Dr. Bunagan, includes the study of intrinsically disordered proteins and the effect of salt concentration on their secondary structure. Along with my studies, I work in the Chemistry Department’s Front Office as well as being the social media coordinator for the Student Chemists Association. This summer, my research was conducted under Dr. Yuwei Gu and Yuchen Ma and focused on synthetic molecular motors cross-linked to DNA that is used to distort DNA conformation. Upon graduation, I plan on pursuing a Ph.D. in chemistry or biochemistry then entering a career in industry. 

Destiny N. McWilliams

Villanova University
Co-Authors: Talia Seymore, Chelsea Cary, Samantha Adams, Gina Moreno
Mentor: Dr. Phoebe Stapleton, Toxicology & Pharmacology
Impact of Nanoparticle Inhalation on Term Rat Placental Structure

The placenta is a temporary but vital organ that supports fetal growth and development during pregnancy. It is the site of nutrient exchange and fetal growth is dependent on access to these nutrients from the maternal circulation. Due to the high blood flow, placentas are susceptible to damage by xenobiotic particles. Previous studies have indicated an association between fetal growth restriction and exposure to particulates. Sources of exposure include air pollution containing ultrafine particulate matter (<100 nm in diameter). Epidemiological evidence has associated particulate exposure during pregnancy with adverse outcomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes to placental morphology after exposure to particulate matter, which may ultimately affect placental function and fetal development. Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to titanium dioxide aerosols during pregnancy (gestational day 6-19) to mimic exposure to ultrafine particulate matter. Placentas from both male and female fetuses were collected on GD 20, fixed in formalin, and prepared for histological examination using hematoxylin and eosin staining. Zen Blue software was used to measure the area of placental zones and maternal and fetal blood spaces. We observed a significant increase in the size of maternal blood spaces and decrease in the size of the decidua zone in exposed placentas compared to control. This observation was more pronounced in female derived placentas. Understanding how particulate matter exposure affects the placenta will enhance our knowledge of the potential human health outcomes associated with air pollution exposure during pregnancy.

Biography: Destiny McWilliams is a rising senior at Villanova University. She is pursuing a major in Comprehensive Science and minors in Chemistry and Africana Studies. At Villanova, she conducts biochemistry research under Dr. Daniel Kraut. This summer, Destiny has been a part of both the RISE and SURF programs. She worked in the Stapleton Lab where she has been able to confirm her interest in the field of toxicology. After graduation, Destiny hopes to pursue a Ph.D. and work in industry.

Brayden M. Messinger

The College of New Jersey
Co-Author: Alex Corral 
Mentor: Dr. Kate Waldie, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Pursuing a First-Row Transition Metal Catalyst Capable of Oxidizing Complex Alcohols

As global fossil fuel reserves continue to dwindle, strategies for producing and storing energy from alternative sources are necessary to supplement combustion methods.  Established technologies, such as wind turbines and solar panels, are intermittent and unreliable because of the inability to efficiently store and transport this energy with methods employed today. Thus, the storage of renewably-derived electricity in the form of chemical fuels is an avenue of great interest. To this end, water splitting is a well-studied reaction that generates hydrogen fuel at the cathode and limited-value oxygen gas at the anode in an electrolysis cell.  Current research is exploring the oxidation of alcohol substrates at the anode to generate more valuable chemical products along with hydrogen fuel. The development of a catalyst to facilitate alcohol oxidation for this anode reaction that is capable of being reused without quickly degrading is the target of this research. The goal of this RISE summer research project is to identify and synthesize a more robust catalyst using first-row transition metals.  Thus far, the synthesis of an N-heterocyclic carbene pincer ligand has shown promising results in the steps leading up to iron or cobalt complexation to obtain first catalyst candidates. Future work will explore different substituents on the ligand backbone as well as testing stability of these complexes in an electrocatalytic system to determine an efficient mechanism for electrocatalytic alcohol dehydrogenation.

Biography: Brayden Messinger is a Rising Senior at The College of New Jersey.  He is majoring in Chemistry w/ ACS Research with a specialization in biochemistry.  Since the summer of his sophomore year, Brayden has been doing organometallic chemistry-based research under the tutelage of Dr. Abby O’Connor in the Chemistry department of The College of New Jersey’s School of Science. This past spring, he also participated in an internship at DOW Chemical in Collegeville PA.  He assisted in analytical work in the Volatiles Lab which was manned by Dr. Michelle Gallagher.  Brayden has been a varsity athlete on the football team at The College of New Jersey for the past three years and has a board position on the affiliated Club Volleyball Team.   After graduation, Brayden plans to attend a graduate level PhD program to continue research in organometallic chemistry which he has gained an admiration and passion for through his experiences.

Dylan M. Miller

East Carolina University
Co-Author: Dr Valerie Tutwiler
Mentor: Dr. Iannis Androulakis, Biomedical Engineering
Computational Analysis of Factors in Trauma Mortality

Injury is among the leading causes of death worldwide. For those under the age of 50, injury is second as a cause of death only to infectious disease. Early preventable deaths associated with injury are primarily characterized by uncontrollable hemorrhage while later preventable deaths are primarily attributable to hypercoagulability. Both are progressions of trauma induced coagulopathy (TIC), which has provoked large research interest in the condition and its attenuation. This project saw the creation of a machine learning model that takes data from blood and coagulation-based biomarkers and conducts nonlinear dimensionality reduction on them. These data were gathered on samples from trauma patients before treatment. Our model can, while only inputting these biomarkers, reliably predict patient mortality outcomes. Additionally, we are in the process of scaling the model to also input proteomics data from patients, conduct similar dimensionality reduction, and combine results for a more accurate prediction. The significant result of this project, however, is that our model’s complexity has been lowered to an extent that allows us to conduct weight analysis of all input features. Our analysis has shown that the most important blood biomarkers in determining TIC mortality are clotting rate and levels of fibrinogen in the blood. Our model can be further applied to any metric for testing and ready to provide an importance distribution of all features. These features can then be targeted for specific tests within an ICU for patient stratification, faster treatment, and direct future studies into the biomechanics of selected features.  

Biography: Dylan Miller, a rising sophomore, is pursuing physics at East Carolina University with a research concentration and minor in mathematics. He has been pursuing computational physics research since high school, where his first project considered the influence of characteristic sea state parameters on rogue wave probabilities. At ECU, he is a member of the Hudson lab where his primary focus is developing computational models for analysis of fibrin polymerization in blood clots. He and his mentor, Dr. Nathan Hudson, hope that this research may yield more robust methods of analyzing network strength as well as provide insight to aberrant structure formation. Dylan plans to continue working in research in the Hudson lab until graduation, after which he hopes to pursue graduate studies in physics or biomedical physics.    

Habiba H. Morsy

Kean University
Co-Authors: Ivana Truong, Dennis Piehl, Brinda Vallat, Christine Zardecki, Stephen K. Burley
Mentor: Dr. Dennis Piehl, RCSB PDB
Streamlining Programmatic Access to Structural Biology Data with Python

The Protein Data Bank (PDB) was founded in 1971 as the first open-access digital data resource in biology, starting with just seven structures. The PDB is a single global archive for three-dimensional (3D) macromolecular structure data and has since expanded significantly, currently housing over 222,000 experimentally determined structures of proteins, DNAs, and RNAs. The web portal ( facilitates search, analysis, and visualization of this extensive data at various levels of detail and is supported by publicly available Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide programmatic access to PDB data. In light of the breadth and level of granularity encompassed in this rich collection of data, efficiently accessing the information programmatically may be challenging for new users. The objective of this project is to develop Python packages that facilitate easy and efficient use of RCSB PDB APIs from within a Python environment. These packages will streamline access to the extensive datasets of the PDB, enabling researchers to integrate, analyze, and visualize structural data seamlessly. This, in turn, will accelerate research in structural biology, drug discovery, and bioinformatics by providing more efficient tools for data integration and analysis. The tool will be available on GitHub ( and will be published to a public Python package repository (PyPI) to foster wide usage and support research in structural biology, drug discovery, and bioinformatics.

RCSB PDB Core Operations are funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (DBI-2321666), the US Department of Energy (DE-SC0019749), and the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant R01GM133198.

Biography: Habiba Morsy is a rising senior at Kean University, studying computational science and engineering with a minor in applied mathematics and computer science. She is an undergraduate research student at her home university working on the development of large language models. This summer she worked with RCSB Protein Bank at Rutgers University on a python wrapper that simplifies programmatic access to PDB data; the package is currently published on Github and PyPI (rcsb-api). Her research interest lies in the intersection of data science, machine learning and software development. After graduation, she plans on pursuing a PhD in data science, ultimately leveraging her computational skills to address impactful real world projects.

Roselyn S. Ortiz

Syracuse University
Mentors: Dr. Jinjing Jenny Wang, Dr. Alex Silver, Psychology
Harnessing Cognitive Science Discoveries to Combat Parents' and Children's Biases against Math Learning

Children’s early mathematical skills are foundational for future academic and career success (ten Braak et al., 2022). Although we are all born with an intuitive “number sense” that allows us to process numerical information from birth (Izard et al., 2009), it can only be linked to symbolic numbers via learning, which can be largely impacted by parent-child interactions (Silver & Libertus, 2022). Parents may not be aware of scientific findings regarding the cognitive and neural mechanisms of learning, including the number sense and its supporting brain functions (Wang & Feigenson, 2019). With the inconsistencies in literature of the exact pathways that contribute to the disparities in parents’ beliefs about math (Elliott & Bachman, 2018), parents’ unawareness of scientific findings may contribute by impacting parent-child interactions and, ultimately, children’s math outcomes. We will compare parents’ beliefs and responses to children’s math performance before and after presenting parents with brief and engaging educational materials developed based on research. These materials focus on the innate number sense and its supporting brain structures (Dehaene, 2011). Our pilot data reveals significant changes in parents’ beliefs about the origins of math and malleability of math abilities after engaging with the materials. Moreover, parents showed a stronger tendency to praise their children’s effort rather than raw talent – a tendency that has been shown to have a positive impact on children’s math motivation (Barger et al., 2022). Findings from this study will make important theoretical contributions to understanding the impact of closing the gaps between lay intuitions vs. scientific theories about human cognition, as well as having practical implications for scientific communication and its consequences on education and learning.   

Biography: Roselyn Ortiz is currently a senior at Syracuse University, planning to graduate this coming Fall 2024, and is majoring in Neuroscience and Psychology with a minor in Human Development and Family Sciences. During the academic year, she prides herself in being a mentor for other students, through Syracuse University’s Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA), and serving the community as part of Alpha Phi Omega, a professional service fraternity, where she is the incoming President for the Fall of 2024. In her free time she enjoys listening to music, playing piano, reading, cycling, and spending time with family and friends. Her research interests include various interdisciplinary topics like parents’ role in children’s mental health and learning, and music and its impact on the brain, especially mental health. She plans to attend graduate school for psychology in the future. She is grateful for the opportunity to conduct research in the Cognition and Learning Center (CALC) Lab this summer under Dr. Jinjing Jenny Wang, in affiliation with Dr. Alex Silver. She would also like to thank the RISE program, the NJSGC, the CALC lab, and the RISE cohort for their support during this journey.

Amanda Padilla López

University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez
Co-Authors: Yadiel Varela Soler, Dr. David I. Devore
Mentor: Dr. Charles M. Roth, Biomedical Engineering 
The Effect of Nebulization on Novel Polyelectrolyte Surfactant Nanoparticles to Treat Pseudomonas aeruginosaInfections

Cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease affecting almost 70,000 individuals worldwide, is characterized by a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene which prompts an overproduction of mucus across organs. In the lungs, a consequence is a decreased rate of mucociliary clearance, leading to the growth of infectious organisms responsible for persistent lung infections. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic bacterium capable of organizing biofilms as defensive mechanisms, is one of the leading causes of lung infection, affecting over 60% of cystic fibrosis patients. Cationic antimicrobials to treat these infections are typically delivered through nebulization, but inactivating electrostatic interactions with the mucus and biofilm components remain a challenge. To overcome these limitations, we investigated the physical stability and antimicrobial activity of novel polyelectrolyte surfactant nanoparticles. These nanoparticles can self-assemble via electrostatic interactions with cationic antibiotics and penetrate dense biological barriers. We implemented a feasible method for collecting, testing, and comparing in vitro nebulized nanoparticles loaded with either polymyxin B (PB) or tobramycin (TB). We collected sizing data pre- and post-aerosolization to assess stability and performed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays to evaluate antimicrobial activity. PB-loaded nanoparticles demonstrated a size increase immediately after nebulization followed by a decrease, suggesting re-stabilization over time. These nanoparticles exhibited ~2-fold increased antimicrobial activity compared to the free PB. On the other hand, TB-loaded nanoparticles retained stable size distribution pre- and post-nebulization and exhibited a slight decrease in antimicrobial activity when compared to free TB. Our findings suggest that nebulized drug-loaded nanoparticles may be potential therapeutics to target lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. 

Biography: Amanda S. Padilla López is a senior student at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez majoring in Industrial Microbiology with an expected graduation date of December 2024. She is planning to pursue a biomedical profession and is part of multiple STEM organizations that promote learning opportunities for the youth. She participated in the National Institutes of Health STEP-UP Program in 2021 and has been recognized as an American Heart Association scholar after her participation in the SURE Program and Stanford CVI Program in 2022. With research experience in biomedical engineering, public health, microbiology, and cardiovascular health, she is committed to researching innovations that promote patient-specific approaches and economical solutions. She enjoys sports, reading, and traveling. She is currently part of the NSF Cellular Bioengineering REU where, under the mentorship of Dr. Charles M. Roth and Yariel Varela Soler, she is working with nanoparticles to treat biofilm lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. She is seeking to expand her research knowledge before graduate school and also inspire those with her similar background to aspire for higher education.

Diana J. Palade

West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Co-Author: Weronika Wasniowska
Mentor: Dr. David Shreiber, Biomedical Engineering
Modeling the effects of skin pigmentation on light transmittance during photodynamic therapy: implications for a novel drug targeting and delivery system 

Over 130,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. Moreover, mortality rates for black women are higher than for white women and are believed to be due to skin pigmentation potentially altering cancer treatment efficacy. Photodynamic therapy(PDT) is an existing treatment that administers photosensitizers, followed by a specific wavelength of light, to produce high concentrations of reactive oxygen species(ROS) that cause cancer cell death. PDT alone, however, is limited to specific depths of tissues and is used in conjunction with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy damages healthy tissues in addition to cancer, causing severe adverse side effects. By targeting therapeutics at the cancer site, the dosing of these therapeutics can be minimized, reducing damage to healthy tissues and improving treatment effectiveness. We aim to combine the existing PDT therapy with a novel drug targeting and delivery system. The excess production of ROS from PDT at the tumor will drive the crosslinking of acrylate polymers with one-half of a chemistry click pair. The ROS from PDT will initially damage the tumor and then enable the targeting for a payload. We aim to confirm the compatibility of PDT with our novel system. One crucial step is modeling the effect of skin pigmentations on light transmittance, as light transmittance directly affects ROS generation and our system's efficacy. We hypothesize that darker skin models will lead to lower percentages of light transmittance. Tissue mimic models were made by adding desired concentrations of Intralipid to model light scattering and Nigrosin to model light absorption into agar gels and then exposed to 660 nm light. Increasing concentrations of either component reduces the percentage of light transmitted in the sample. Moving forward, we aim to 1)optimize concentrations of each component in tissue mimics, 2)characterize ROS generation from a photosensitizer, and 3)characterize polymer net formation in tissue mimic models.

Biography: Diana Palade is a rising senior at the West Chester University of Pennsylvania pursuing her bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering. At West Chester, she was on the Dean's List (GPA of 3.67 or higher) every semester and received the Lei and Song Li Scholarship for Biomedical Engineering in her freshman year. In addition to her academic success, she is a member and treasurer of her university's competitive equestrian team and the Biomedical Engineering Society. Outside of academics, Diana enjoys playing music by volunteering at her local high school jazz band, graduation band, and musical pit orchestra. Additionally, she enjoys improving her horse-riding skills at her barn in her free time, drawing, and learning new skills. After graduation, she hopes to either work in industry as a biomedical engineer or attend graduate school to obtain her PhD in Biomedical Engineering.

Helberth M. Quysbertf

Saint Peter's University
Mentor: Dr. Kelly Kiker-Snowman, Biomedical Engineering
Microenvironment Stiffness Role on Triple-negative Breast Cancer Metastasis: Local Infiltration & Distant Proliferation

Metastasis is the formation of a secondary tumor from a primary cancerous lesion without anatomical continuity between them. Despite being the most lethal hallmark of cancer, metastasis cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic features remain poorly understood. Investigating tumor microenvironment stiffness is essential to understand the metastatic process and develop diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Cancerous stiffness differs from normal tissue and is tissue-specific, affecting overall cell-extrinsic features. Previous research in our laboratory studied breast and ovarian cancer and found that modified type-I collagen methacrylamide (CMA) hydrogel, provided a means to study the stiffness of a tumor microenvironment. Microenvironment stiffness influences cancer cells' behavior, dictating local infiltration and distant proliferation of tumors. Herein, we mimic the microenvironment of Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) to investigate the effect of stiffness on the growth and behavior of cancerous spheroids. We modeled the stiffness microenvironment using CMA hydrogel. The behavior and relative localization of spheroids in monoculture during formation and incorporation were examined in two versions, modeling the first and last metastasis step process. Placing metastatic TNBC cancer cells on CMA emulated local infiltration, while distant proliferation was mimicked by embedding metastatic TNBC cancer cells within CMA. Moreover, our strategy involves completing the experiment with four separate conditions of on and in models: CMA UV, CMA non-UV, collagen UV, and collagen non-UV to give a more comprehensive view of how much of a role stiffness plays in metastasis. Lastly, we seek to analyze results obtained from patient-derived samples that will supply improved physiological relevance and capture biological heterogeneity. Establishing the biological mechanisms of the metastatic process is crucial in finding novel therapeutic approaches to treat advanced-stage patients.

Biography: Helberth, originally from La Paz, Bolivia, is an upcoming PhD student at New York University Grossman School of Medicine in the oncology and tumor immunology concentration. He recently graduated from Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City with a double major in Biotechnology and Chemistry as the Valedictorian of his class. He first connected with Rutgers as a NERA Pre-Med Scholar during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and then as a clinical research intern at Rutgers Medical School. Currently, he forms part of the REU Cellular Bioengineering cohort, working with Dr. Kelly Kyker-Snowman. His summer project focused on examining the ​​effects of microenvironment stiffness on triple-negative breast cancer metastasis.

Samantha Reyes

Saint Elizabeth University
Co-Author: Xinyi Li
Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Schuster , Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
How salt concentration affects phase separation of cationic intrinsically disordered protein

Studies have been conducted to understand the mechanism behind the formation of membraneless organelles, also known as biomolecular condensates. These condensates are formed through liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which play important roles in cellular signaling and regulation. Various intermolecular interactions can drive LLPS, while environmental factors such as salt, pH, temperature, etc. , affect a protein's ability to undergo LLPS. We investigated how salt concentration would influence the phase separation of an artificial IDP, (GRGNSPYS)25, because its phase separation was unexpected due to its high net charge. Its LLPS is driven in part due to the arginine and tyrosine in the sequence promoting cation-pi interactions; these interactions are among the multiple that tend to drive LLPS. Previous studies were conducted in the Schuster lab on GRGNSPYS with lower salt concentrations, and concluded that as salt concentration increased the transition temperature also increased, indicating a higher propensity for LLPS. Hence, we conducted research based on higher salt concentrations and observed the effect salt would have on the ability of GRGNSPYS to phase separate. First, we used microscopy to confirm the ability of GRGNSPYS to phase separate in NaCl concentrations ranging from 150 mM to 3 M, as well as analyzed the droplet sizes using bright-field imaging. Then, we ran turbidity assays using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer on these samples to establish if salt would affect the transition temperature. We observed a trend: as we increased salt concentration, the transition temperature increased as well. With higher salt concentrations, the electrostatic repulsion is weaker, allowing for the cation-pi interactions to drive LLPS. Overall, we were able to accumulate more evidence on how salt concentration affects the ability of GRGNSPYS to phase separate. This insight is beneficial to understand the molecular phenomenon of LLPS, for possible use to engineer biomaterials.

Biography: Samantha Reyes is a rising senior at Saint Elizabeth University in New Jersey majoring in biochemistry. This summer she learned valuable research skills while participating in the Advanced Materials REU. She worked in Dr. Benjamin Schuster’s lab with mentor Xinyi Li and gathered research to better comprehend liquid-liquid phase separation of a cationic artificial intrinsically disordered protein. Samantha would like to acknowledge the Schuster lab for all their support this summer as they gave her a new inspiring outlook on research.

Kaylin Riley

University of Georgia
Co-Authors: Aravind Aryasomayajula, Diya Chengappa 
Mentors: Dr. Hoda Gebril, Dr. Prabhas Moghe, Biomedical Engineering
Investigating the Efficacy and Stability of new Nanotechnology for Alzhiemer's Treatments

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive disease hallmarked by its unique multifactorial etiology; it is not just an aging disease.  There has been a substantial increase in AD related deaths leading to speculations as to what new proposed solutions can stop this uptick in deaths. AD is a neurodegenerative disease caused by inflammation associated with overactive microglia and deposition of fibril amyloid-beta (fAβ) plaques (. Current drugs on the market only target certain symptoms of the disease rather than the root cause. Recently, we developed amphiphilic nanoparticles (AM-NPs) as a potential therapeutic approach that can target the inflammatory response of fibril amyloid-beta (fAβ) plaques on microglial cells and receptors on endothelial cells. AM-NPs are an innovative approach made from unique bioactive AM shells and non-bioactive polystyrene cores that can be tuned further to increase their permeability across the blood brain barrier. In this study, we hypothesize that adding a surfactant such as poloxamer coating will generate NPs with stable properties and effective anti-inflammatory functions. We fabricated new NPs, tested their stability and efficacy in vitro. Using dynamic light scattering, we measured the physical properties of NPs at different conditions including high and low serum and at 37 ºC. Additionally, the therapeutic efficacy of these NPs was tested using the AD pathology disease model of BV2 microglial cells. Our results show stability in low and high serum conditions for the radius.  However, we observed higher polydispersity in high serum conditions. The Poloxamer coated NPs were tested using BV2 cells in vitro model of fAβ -mediated AD pathology. Our data show decreased release of nitrite from BV2 microglia and downregulation of induced Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS). We conclude that these newly developed NPs can be effective and anti-inflammatory under different conditions of temperature and protein level.  More experiments will be needed to verify the polydispersity in high concentrations of serum.

Biography: Kaylin Riley is a junior at the University of Georgia, majoring in Biological Engineering. She has served as a Transition Leader mentoring many students throughout their transition in and out of UGA. She is also on the Engineering Equity Council with a goal of 

advocating and organizing initiatives for underrepresented students in Engineering. In her free time, she enjoys playing the violin, reading, arts and crafts, going to the gym, and spending time with her friends and family. Her research interests are in medical technology in relation to therapies for different diseases. She intends on pursuing a graduate degree in Biomedical Engineering. Kaylin Riley would like to thank RISE and the Cellular Bioengineering REU for their support, as well as Dr. Hoda Gebril and the Moghe Lab members for their support in this journey.

David E. Romero

Ramapo College of New Jersey
Co-Authors: Dr. Adam J. Gormley, Jordan Eckhoff
Mentor: Dr. N Sanjeeva Murthy, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Stabilizing Lipase under Extreme Conditions: A Machine Learning Approach to Polymer Design

Lipase is a powerful digestive enzyme that degrades lipids. However, lipase readily denatures under non-physiological conditions, such as high temperature and/or in environments of high acidity and basicity. Stable enzymes under such extreme conditions are useful for commercial applications, such as in the production of biofuels. Polymers have emerged as a possible solution to stabilize lipase under these conditions. We hypothesize that by understanding the surface chemistry of lipase, polymers can be designed to stabilize lipase, prior to the protein becoming denatured. Twenty-four copolymers were designed using a machine learning algorithm and synthesized via an automated synthesis. The newly synthesized polymers were hybridized with lipase to form polymer-protein hybrids (PPH). To determine the efficacy of each PPH, they were subjected to heat stressing at 80 ℃ for 1 hour. Then, the retained enzyme activity (REA) was determined by measuring the absorbance over time between native and heat stressed PPH. PPH 24 appeared to show the highest amount of REA. The enzyme, polymer and the PPH were analyzed by dynamic light scattering (DLS) for size and by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) to study the polymer-protein interactions. In future studies, the data obtained from these 24 polymers will be used as input into the machine learning algorithm to produce the next generation of copolymers even better suited for lipase stabilization. Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) will also be used to gain a deeper understanding of the structure of the polymer-protein hybrid. These findings pave the way for more efficient stabilization of lipase, potentially revolutionizing its application in biofuel production, as well as a road map to stabilize other enzymes.

Biography: David is a rising senior at Ramapo College of New Jersey, where he is pursuing a degree in Biochemistry. As a former funeral director, he has always been fascinated by biological processes, which drives his ambition to pursue a Ph.D. in biochemistry or molecular biology. At his home institution, David's research focuses on discovering novel ligninolytic enzymes in various fungal species. This summer, he has worked under the direction of Dr. Sanjeeva Murthy, studying enzyme stabilization. Outside of academics, David has several passions including film and baseball, and is an avid Pokémon Trading Card game player. 

Sophia M. Rund

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Co-Author: Chi Han
Mentor: Dr. Simiao Niu, Biomedical Engineering
Implementing machine-learning algorithms to efficiently evaluate spinal cord injury recovery in mice

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are a growing concern in the medical field. Treatments are costly and take a long time to see improvements. Mouse models are the most commonly used approach to test novel SCI treatments, but the progress can be difficult to monitor over time when changes are made gradually. The Basso Mouse Scale (BMS) is a scientifically-recognized way to analyze and assess locomotion in mice. The scale operates on a detailed movement-based scoring system from 0-9. Use of this scale requires visual observation of the mice’s locomotion, making it a time-consuming process that requires training. This research aims to create a device that can effectively monitor and assess the progress of recovery for SCI-afflicted mice. This device is a wearable, energy-harvesting device that can be attached to the mouse’s back and monitor acceleration and angular velocity. Using a machine-learning approach, an algorithm will extract features from the data obtained from the device to predict the BMS score of the data over a period of time. The features extracted from the data were chosen based on their strong correlation to their respective BMS score. Machine-learning models were tested using the MATLAB classification learner, and the random forest model was determined to be the most accurate at predicting the BMS score from the data features. This device and algorithm will streamline the assessments of SCI treatments in an unbiased, efficient way.

Biography: Sophie Rund is a rising senior at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. She is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering with a focus in neuroprosthetics and pre-medicine. This summer she was given the opportunity to work with Principal Investigator Dr. Simiao Niu and Graduate Student Mentor Chi Han. She built a foundation in machine-learning and was able to advance her skills in MATLAB. Sophie would like to thank the NSF (National Science Foundation), RISE program, and the REU Cellular Bioengineering program for the opportunity to do research this summer. 

Maya R. Schreiber

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Co-Author: Dr. Rick Cohen
Mentor: Dr. Francois Berthiaume, Biomedical Engineering
Measuring Oxygen Consumption to Understand Optimal Chronic Wound Healing Environments

Chronic wounds affect 6.5 million people across the United States, altering lifestyles and immobilizing patients. Adequate healing conditions for chronic wounds involve proper access to oxygen and nutrients, and since these quantities differ between wounds, we seek to quantify the extracellular oxygen consumption rate of wound cells to form conclusions about healing. To understand wound cell metabolism in the context of chronic wounds, we cultured immortalized human keratinocytes (HaCaT) in multi-well plates to mimic epidermal healing in a controlled environment. We developed a system to simulate wounds with differing oxygen levels and manipulate the environment easily and at a low cost. We hypothesize greater rates of oxygen consumption will correlate to faster chronic wound healing because oxygen is vital to cell proliferation and migration. Utilizing an extracellular oxygen sensitive dye allowed us to monitor the oxygen consumption of the HaCaT cells in the well. We standardized the method, confirming that fluorescence intensity increases with decreasing oxygen concentration. Then we plated HaCaT cells to confluence and multiple different treatments were added to the media. We observed changes in fluorescence as a function time over a two hour period. After validating these tools to manipulate oxygen uptake, my lab will perform a scratch assay and image cell closure over time with different conditions, such as the addition of drugs, amino acids, or using cell culture media with differing oxygen exposures. The assay would correlate oxygen uptake rate by the cells with the rate of healing in the wells. We also expect that chronic wounds will heal faster when in high-oxygen environments. The assay platform developed in this project will allow testing different compounds that improve cellular metabolism and wound healing rate, which will support the development of innovative treatments for people with chronic wounds worldwide.

Biography: Maya Schreiber is a motivated rising sophomore attending University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), originally from Ridley Park, Pennsylvania. Maya is majoring in chemical engineering with a biotechnology and bioengineering focus, aiming to deepen her knowledge in pharmaceutical sciences. She has been part of the cellular bioengineering REU, under the mentorship of Dr. Francois Berthiaume and Dr. Rick Cohen of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. With a passion for seeing under-represented groups succeed in STEM graduate and professional fields, Maya is a part of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program, serves on the executive board of UMBC’s chapter of Society of Women Engineers, and is an ambassador for the College of Engineering and Informational Technology. She plans to participate in sustained research at her university this fall, and after graduating she hopes to attend graduate school in pursuit of a PhD.

Edward Trivella

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Mentors: Dr. Lisa Klein, Material Science and Engineering
Carbon Modified Phase Change Materials

Phase change materials are of particular interest in insulation and heat transfer applications due to their ability to “store” excess heat because of the high latent heat required for the solid-liquid transition.  In coordination with phase change materials such as paraffin wax, aerogels (a class of thermally insulative, porous, network solid materials) can provide heat barriers necessary to control the flow of heat in an area such as a building, engine, or a computer. Therefore, a point of investigation arose to determine the impact of carbon, a ubiquitous material, as a filler material to influence electrical and thermal properties in order to design an optimized carbon, wax, and aerogel composite useful in various applications.  In this study, it was determined that inclusion of powderized carbon sheet (grade 1) in the wax-gel composite reduced average cooling time by approximately 32%.  In contrast, for carbon nanoparticle inclusion, the average cooling time was increased by 76%.  In terms of electrical properties, it is expected that the nanoparticle sample and graphite sample will have slightly lower dielectric than the controls given that carbon forms like graphite and graphene are conductive materials suggesting they make poor capacitor materials.  Furthermore, the resistivity is expected to be significantly lower for experimental carbon-wax-gel composites as opposed to wax-gel composites due to the electrical conductivity of carbon.  Additionally, differential scanning calorimetry can be used to identify melting points and determine the effect of carbon filler materials on heat transfer properties.  Through this project, the thermal and electrical properties of control and experimental samples have been measured, which expands the possible applications of wax-aerogel composites in insulation and electric applications.

Biography: Edward hails from Fair Lawn, New Jersey and is working on his BS in Chemical Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is working towards a minor in Materials Engineering and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is interested in eco-friendly materials and finding inexpensive solutions for energy storage. Additionally, he is planning to study abroad while doing research at Taipei Tech in Summer 2025.

Ivana Truong

University of Minnesota
Co-Authors: Habiba Morsy, Dennis Piehl, Brinda Vallat, Christine Zardecki, Stephen K. Burley
Mentor: Dr. Brinda Vallat, RCSB PDB
Developing Computational Toolkits for Facilitating Structural Bioinformatics Research

The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is an open-access archive containing over 222,000 experimentally-determined three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules (e.g.

proteins, DNA, and RNA). The RCSB PDB web portal ( provides tools for searching, visualizing, and analyzing these data, serving millions of users and more than three billion downloads each year. Underlying these functionalities are several publicly available Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that support programmatic access to PDB data. However, learning to use the APIs can be challenging to researchers who are not familiar with PDB data. To enhance the accessibility of these data, we have developed a Python-based software package that interoperates with the Data API. The software provides tooling for automatically generating queries and performing API requests, reducing the complexity of input required from the users and the need to understand the underlying organization of PDB data. By creating a Python package that allows for easy, intuitive use of the Data API, users will be able to more quickly integrate RCSB PDB Data API into their work, facilitating research in fields from agriculture to structure-guided drug design.

RCSB PDB Core Operations are funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (DBI-2321666), the US Department of Energy (DE-SC0019749), and the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant R01GM133198.

Biography: Ivana Truong recently graduated from the University of Minnesota with a BS in Biochemistry and a minor in Computer Science. While working as an undergraduate researcher in a biochemistry lab, she discovered her interest in Data Science, Bioinformatics, and Computer Science. Throughout college, she was involved in science communication and continues to be passionate about explaining science to a general audience. She will continue to work at RCSB PDB as a Gap Year Scholar.

Karolina Wielowski

College of New Jersey
Co-Author: Harender Singh Dhattarwal
Mentor: Dr. Richard Remsing , Chemistry and Chemical Biology 
Investigating Solid-state Electrolytes ~ An Opportunity for Enhanced Battery Performance 

The possibility to develop sustainable energy material systems is made more feasible by investigating liquid and solid-state electrolytes through charge and energy transport. Battery-operated systems, as we know them, rely heavily on lithium-ion batteries. These liquid batteries have limited life cycles and are unstable at higher potentials, making it difficult to power energy-intensive activities. These activities instead require fuel for energy which significantly contributes to the carbon footprint of our environment. Solid-state electrolytes offer a promising alternative due to their increased ion densities, providing higher thermal and electrical stability. However, the diffusion patterns of ions within solid-state electrolytes remain poorly understood. Solid-state silver-iodide (AgI) batteries can be investigated based on their structure and performance by using the molecular dynamics software LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) and employing the constant potential method (CPM). The constant potential method allows for a more accurate representation of electrochemical systems by maintaining a fixed potential during simulations. This approach is important for studying ion dynamics and charge distribution, revealing how the efficiency of these batteries can be optimized. Charge density calculations confirm an increase in cation diffusion at higher potentials, which means improved charging of the battery. The magnitude of this diffusion directly affects the charge fluctuations on the electrodes at each potential. These charge fluctuations will be quantified by calculating capacitance, providing insights into the energy storage capabilities under varied conditions. With this information we can test different materials for the electrodes, temperatures, and potentials to optimize the life-cycle of the silver-iodide solid-state battery. This study highlights the potential of solid-state batteries in reducing carbon emissions and advancing sustainable energy technology, underscoring the importance of advanced simulation techniques in energy research.

Biography: Karolina Wielowski is a rising senior at TCNJ She is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a specialization in Biochemistry and a minor in Computational and Mathematical Biology. Karolina began her research journey in her sophomore year, conducting solid-state crystal engineering research under the mentorship of Dr. Heba Aboruhama. The following summer, at TCNJ’s Mentored Undergraduate Summer Experience, Karolina found an interest in the computational field, working with Dr. Baker and conducting molecular dynamics simulations using AMBER (Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement) software to investigate protein dynamics. Karolina’s continued engagement in this field has led to her collaboration with Dr. Baker and Dr. Magnus Andersson of Sweden’s Umeå University, investigating the biophysical properties of the unique Ena Pili found on the bacterium Bacillus cereus, responsible for many food-poisoning outbreaks. As a first-generation student, Karolina has developed an affinity for mentorship, engaging in the Tri-Alpha First-Generation Honors Society, as well as Gamma Sigma Epsilon and the Student Chemist Association. Serving as School of Science Liaison, Karolina’s goal is to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among departments. Karolina plans to pursue a Ph.D. in computational chemistry before becoming a professor in chemistry, in hopes of providing the same support she received to first-generation students interested in science.

Kevin Wong

Rutgers University
Co-Author: Prof. Zhao Zhang
Mentors: Prof. Benjamin Lintner, Department of Environmental Sciences
Classification and Extraction of Synoptic Weather Features using Neural Networks

Large-scale weather disturbances – such as cold fronts – play an important role in midlatitude weather, with impacts on our local climate through heavy rainfall, storms, and other extremes. As datasets grow larger, traditional manual detection of such disturbances becomes time-consuming. Recently, an AI-based approach–the Mask R-CNN algorithm–a deep-learning model developed by Facebook AI Research, incorporates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to automate feature detection in images. Our focus here involves application of Mask R-CNN to identify synoptic weather activity with a high level of confidence, in order to develop catalogues of synoptic events that can then be related to weather conditions. We implemented  a version of the Mask R-CNN algorithm downloaded from GitHub and trained it on a labeled dataset of annotated images from an National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) archive of 6 hourly weather charts. This methodology involves data preparation, model training, and validation to ensure performance and accuracy. This helps to provide a scalable solution for large-scale data analytics, which is hard to do by hand given the data size. The findings here suggest that the Mask R-CNN algorithm can accurately identify and segment cold fronts that we expect to impact New Jersey. By developing performance metrics, we optimized our model’s accuracy through result visualization using Python. Through subsequent testing and analysis, we iterated further to reach optimal levels. Integrating AI techniques into weather forecasting enhances our predictive capabilities, as weather is tough to forecast. This offers new insights into climate patterns, and future research can refine the model, leading to more advancements in atmospheric science.

Biography: Kevin Wong is a rising junior undergraduate student at Rutgers University-New Brunswick majoring in Computer Science and is planning to minor in Data Science. This summer he worked under the guidance of his mentors Dr. Benjamin Lintner and Dr. Zhao Zhang to utilize the Mask R-CNN algorithm to classify and extract synoptic features from historical weather maps using Python and data tools.