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103 Round Tables

Undergraduate Research Writing Conference 2023: 103 Round Tables

Round Table Sessions
Last Name First Name Title
Alves Leah Beyond the Box Office: Uncovering the Ethical Environment of the Live Entertainment Ticketing Industry
Badawi Yara Lobbying, Economic Incentives, and the Likelihood of War
Bodala Abhilash Globalization of K-pop: Design, Circulation, and Implications of Korean Pop Music
Choi Lauren Consumer Dynamics: Reality TV and the Human Umwelt
Dhara Abheek Digital Tears: How Technology Amplifies the Romanticization of Sadness in Society
Groh Kyla The Unrealistic Ideal Mother: Finding Harmony Between Motherhood and Work
Guo Charlene The Paradox of Perception: Navigating the Unintended Consequences of Climate Change Awareness
Hatkar Ajay The Intersection of the Mind, Body, and Environment: Exploring the Relationship Between Embodied Cognition and Artificial Intelligence
Huffman Julie The Complexities of Establishing Symbiosis: How Humans and Wildlife Can Coexist in Harmony
Islam Shuvon Implications and Resolution to the Black Hole Information Paradox
Liu Jiaqi K-pop MMCs: Problems Evolved from Profit-Oriented Industry Over-Manipulation
Maniar Jack When The Bootstraps Break: How the romanticization of thrifting forced the hand of low-income communities
Nejad Amira The United States’ Detriment on the Latino Health Advantage
Oh Allison RoombAI
Ramani Priya Hollywood’s Brown Immigrant: Misrepresentation of South Asians and Perceptions Beyond the Screen
Siraj Anaya Reinforcement and Resistance: Bollywood's Impact on Benevolent Sexism in India
Tews Lily Evaluating Policies for Physician-Assisted Death
Varma Samir The Unadaptable Subgenre: How Lovecraftian Horror Was Abandoned by the Cinema of Dread